What do you do when you are unsure of how to navigate a problem or situation? At Kolbeco, we seek out mentors and experts to help guide us in best practices. This has always presented us with the best course of action, but as I am sure you realize, this is not one of those…
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Two months ago, I sat down with the team at Kolbeco and had a meeting I never thought I would have to have as a business owner. It was March 16th, you know where this story is headed… I had to tell the team the plan for how we would handle the coming weeks in light of COVID 19. While we…
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It’s a classic story, the “crazy” inventor tinkering in his garage day in and day out, who suddenly becomes a household name. How many times have we heard this tale? Think back to some of the inventors such as Edison, Tesla, Westinghouse, Goodyear and Blakely. All of them operated in a similar manner. They had…
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I recently purchased the new iPhone 11. I wasn’t caught up in the hype, or won over by Apple’s marketing – I just needed a new phone. Walking into the store, I had planned to buy a specific model phone the phone that had 3 lenses. As I got in there the salesperson there asked…
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My wife Lauren and I were recently on our boat where we spend many weekends on the water with friends. This particular weekend was our 22nd wedding anniversary and like all special occasions the goal was to relax and celebrate without the stress of work or life. We spend a lot of time on our…
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As an entrepreneur (one who works with a lot of entrepreneurial minds every day), I’m often intrigued by the idea of the mindsets and attitudes that must be in place for a person to take a risk. What causes these folks to chase their dreams, set fear aside, overcome great odds, and find success? I’ll…
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I have worked with a number of very successful entrepreneurs and the one thing that they all have in common is following their gut when it comes to taking risks and starting new businesses. In most cases the potential business they are entering is an overlooked sector or something people might not initially have data…
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Burger King is a place that I have not stepped foot in for over a decade. In college I would go to class, workout and then scarf down fast food. For a number of reasons, I don’t go into Burger King, but the reason most consumers haven’t been is the brand seemed out of touch,…
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If the Fyre Festival only came onto your radar recently, you are not alone. Many of us were probably (happily) unaware of Fyre Festival back in 2017, until the latest onslaught of social media posts mocking attendees, and the popularity of the new documentaries which were recently released on Netflix and Hulu. Fyre highlights the…
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How do you feel about your 2018? As we’ve had conversations with our clients over the last few weeks, the universal consensus is that 2018 was a good year. However, we’ve also found that businesses in general aren’t just sitting back and expecting a repeat in 2019. Most clients recognize that things are changing, and…
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