Author: Lauren Kolbe

Half the Words Will Do

I remember it like it was yesterday. I was a freshman in college, sitting in one of my first writing classes. The professor had given us our assignment, and I was eager to leave class and get started. I had my topic, did the research, and submitted my paper at the next class – only…
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Stand Out … Unless You’re OK with Being Just Another Face in the Crowd

“We want to stand out from the competition. We’re really different, so be as creative as you can so we can stand out.” This, in a nutshell, was what a client told us once. We had done the discovery, thought we had really honed in on who they were, and what their story was. They…
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The Role of Shiny Objects

Face it. We all suffer a little from what’s been defined as “Shiny Object Syndrome.” You know, that need for bling, sparkle, and the excitement that it brings. While I love wearing that big, sparkly ring and wrapping myself in a wildly printed scarf when I go out on Saturday night, they are certainly not…
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Lessons from a “C” student

When I graduated from USC in 1994, our two commencement speakers were George Lucas and Steven Spielberg.  Both were receiving honorary doctorates that year from the University. Interestingly enough, while Lucas did graduate from USC, Spielberg did not due to poor grades. Both gave wonderful speeches, but there were two major lessons that I’ve carried…
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Be Nice on Social Media

Earlier this week, we woke to the news that a local, family owned restaurant was engulfed in flames. Within a few minutes, a friend had emailed me to let me know it was a place we had all visited together on many occasions over the years.  We were both sad for many reasons, but most…
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Not everyone is your audience – and that’s OK!

It never fails. At least once a year (maybe more) during a new client kickoff, we ask the question “who is your audience?” Then we receive an enthusiastic reply of “Everyone! Everyone can use/buy/benefit from my product or service!” Ugh. Now it’s time for me to burst your bubble and explain why not everyone is…
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Finding Your Why

As a curious human being, I love hearing the stories behind a business, and the stories about customers’ experiences with that business. As a marketer, I find that these stories are key in establishing a brand and creating strategy. When we begin the process, the first question I always ask is “why” – why does…
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Remembering Rick

Today, I sit at my desk with tears in my eyes writing about a man who wrote so much about the businesses – and people behind the businesses – in the St. Louis area. Rick Desloge was a crafty and witty storyteller who had the ability to see things in a way the rest of…
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Is Advertising Misunderstood?

I was talking with a client the other day about his advertising campaigns when a very interesting comment came up. My client told me that one of his customers had said something along the lines of “Well, I guess I don’t need me to refer any business your way.  Looks like you’re doing pretty well…
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Experience is Everything

As Joseph Pine and James Gilmore said in their 1998 book, The Experience Economy, “Work is theater and every business is a stage.” It’s something every business should take to heart, and it’s something that we always stress in branding campaigns. The experience is your brand. With this in mind, I’d like to share a…
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